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Come to see us

Welcome to the top of your drawer pile, the clothes you'll still want to wear in 2037. We're creating with you a new brand model, somewhere between the nostalgia for the carefree 80s and the utopia of a future where we'll have curbed global warming.


Our engagements

We like

  • Natural materials with a low ecological footprint, maximizing the share of recycling of old fibers in their composition:

  • Cotton grown according to organic and regenerative rules, watered with rainwater, which does not grow too far and whose authenticity can be checked.

  • Flax and hemp, which are the past and the future!

  • Some artificial materials made from natural raw materials:

  • Tencel® lyocell and Tencel® modal made by Lenzing from Eucalyptus trees, which are 5 times less resource-intensive than cotton and grow without pesticides.

  • Refibra, a material from Lenzing that mixes Tencel® lyocell and recycled cotton.

  • Synthetic materials when they are innovative, 100% recycled, with complete traceability and low-energy solutions for manufacturing them.

  • We avoid overly mixed compositions which can complicate recycling.

  • We love projects that give back to the planet what they borrowed: the Coreva in our Donna jeans, the regenerative cotton in the latest Brendas , and upcoming projects based on castor oil, to be continued. We are both the best friends and the (friendly) nightmare of our partners to whom we ask an infinite number of questions.

  • We are all year long in research, development and testing of materials that are ever more natural and beautiful over time. If you are a supplier of innovative and super ecological materials, write to us at !

We boycott

  • Virgin polyester, virgin polyamide and all the synthetic materials made from petroleum that take thousands of years to biodegrade: we no longer have time.

  • Viscose, the manufacturing process of which pollutes the environment, then our health, obviously (yes, FSC viscose is already a little better. But in 2024 it's frankly not ambitious enough).

  • Ordinary cotton (99% of the world's cotton) which looks like an angel but which hides its tricks well: it consumes too much water, it is grown in monoculture and exhausts the land, it requires too much pesticides to grow with a good yield and it damages the health of those who cultivate it.

  • Is it necessary to specify this? Exotic leathers, fur, silk and angora, or even simply chrome-tanned leathers without wastewater treatment which terribly pollute rivers and the health of workers.

  • Most denim dyeing and washing techniques. Special mention to the sandblasting of jeans which causes terrible respiratory illnesses to those who practice it, all to artificially age the jeans.

  • Obviously: all controversial substances: Alkylphenols, Phthalates, PFCs

  • We do not claim to know everything but we inform ourselves a lot: this list evolves as we learn, meet and discover.

  • If you don't find it demanding enough or if you have any questions, write to us at !

Our standards

  • Local: We choose location based on ecology, ethics and know-how, rather than where it is cheaper.

  • We favor Europe to limit the kilometers on the odometer of our clothes and to be able to follow manufacturing closely.

Our approach

  • We are wary of everything beautiful and organic without subtitles, we spend dozens of hours ensuring complete traceability of the compositions, arbitrating between quality, ecological footprint and aesthetics to make choices that allow us to sleep peacefully at night. .

  • We know that there is no miracle material, that everything that is produced inherently pollutes, and that neither you nor our partners but we alone are responsible for everything that we manufacture. We are passionate about details, we operate as much on intuition as with the discipline and rigor of tests, data and impact calculations to find the balance between heart and reason.

  • It takes us a year to develop each material and then each garment with our stylists, pattern makers, knitters, makers… and you. We integrate at the heart of the creation the dozens of lattes (oats) poured into your wardrobes, your responses to project questionnaires and our discussions at the Patine Studio in Paris.

  • We crash-test our clothes to ensure they will age nicely on your back. We make fashion to wear for a long time. No collections, but one material after another, and new products according to our desires and yours.

  • Our clothes are mainly available on this site and at the Patine Studio without intermediaries in order to maintain accessible prices while offering exceptional quality.

  • And best of all, we love seeing you in it.