Welcome to the top of your drawer pile, the clothes you'll still want to wear in 2037. We're creating with you a new brand model, somewhere between the nostalgia for the carefree 80s and the utopia of a future where we'll have curbed global warming.
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Solid foundations, committed team... let's now come to the heart of our business: fashion, fashion, fashion!
To reconcile fashion, ecology, human and animal well-being, we must be able to measure our impact, in a concrete way, in order to then be able to make the right decisions. It seems obvious, yet very few brands do it. To measure the environmental impact of a garment, we must consider its entire life cycle: from the thread to the dressing room and even after! This measurement is therefore quite naturally called “life cycle analysis” or LCA: it is carried out by a partner to whom we provide all the data at our disposal to make this calculation as best as possible. We tell you more in this chapter and above all, we share the numerical results!
It is an analysis method governed by standardized international standards.
ISO 14040-114044 to calculate the environmental impact of each step
of the life cycle of a garment:
• production of raw materials
• the making
• transportation
• the distribution
• use
• end of life
To calculate this environmental impact, it is necessary to collect a large amount of data and compile it: we are therefore supported by a partner whose specialty is this. We did our first LCA with Cycleco when the first t-shirt was launched in 2017 and since then we have done it for every new item of clothing. Our new partner, Fairly Made, allows us to go further in these calculations by precisely modeling our innovative materials!
Our LCAs start from the sourcing of the raw material until the garment arrives in the warehouse.
LCA is a tool that allows us to make decisions to reduce the environmental impact of our clothing. Thus, in 2022, we have increased the share of recycled materials in our Willie material: 50% rather than 40%. Not bad is not it ? And we don't intend to stop there since we are in a perpetual quest for continuous improvement.
To certify the durability of our products, we carry out tests: twisting, color fastness, pilling. Then, the best way to know if they last is to ask yourself: if you are a customer, you have already received an email with a questionnaire asking if you are satisfied with your garment, s it is still in good condition, if you have washed it a lot etc. This questionnaire allows us to evaluate the durability of their clothing, to collect your opinion 60 days after receipt of their order to collect feedback and improvements on the quality of materials, dyes, etc.
Our analyzes show us that it is at the production stage that there is the biggest impact (we will tell you about this in more detail in the following section on the carbon footprint). We therefore have a role to play with our partners: this will allow us to refine our LCAs but also to advise them on things to put in place to improve.
As you saw in the previous section, it is not just carbon emissions that weigh on the environmental impact of fashion, there is also the pollution of soil, water and air, for example. However, we decided to focus on the carbon footprint because 1. we have figures to share with you and 2. there are many preconceived ideas on the subject and this is therefore an opportunity to challenge them.
For example, misconception #1: it is transport that has the greatest impact on the carbon footprint of the fashion industry. Spoiler, this is not the case, at Patine either. The site youmatter.world cites a 2018 Qantis study and reports that the majority of emissions from the fashion sector are linked “to two stages of the life cycle of a garment: the manufacture of the fabric from the raw material (the cotton spinning and weaving for example) and textile processing (dyes and finishing). Transport represents around 1% of the environmental impact of clothing. (..) Most of these impacts are linked to the energy used for these industrial processes, which essentially comes from the combustion of fossil fuels. The production of chemical products (dyes for example) also contributes significantly to the sector’s CO2 emissions.” (source)
In this part, you will know everything about the carbon footprint and we are counting on you to share the information in your #cultureconfiture dinners!
It is a method of calculating the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a product, an individual or a company. We talk about carbon footprint because carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas contributing to global warming.
There are 3 scopes when calculating a carbon footprint:
Scope 1: direct CO2 emissions from sources owned or controlled by the organization. 0 at Patina.
Scope 2: concerns CO2 coming from the production of electricity purchased and consumed by the company (Patine studio)
Scope 3: takes into account all other indirect emissions generated by the company (production, transport, etc.). For production we take into account raw materials, textile production, inter-process transport, packaging).
Our first carbon assessment was carried out for the 2020 calendar year by an “autonomous” GCI tool and we were supported by the firmEthiwork.And the 2nd for the fiscal year Patina, from April 2021 to March 2022 by a specialized firm, Climate Seed. Most companies limit themselves to Scope 1 and 2. At Patine, we go further and also carry out a scope 3 analysis.
You will find the details of these analyzes below.
Our desire is to reduce the carbon footprint per product and per employee over time.
It is therefore necessary to use life cycle analyzes in order to measure and then work to reduce the carbon footprint of the manufacturing stages from raw materials to transport. Our products are obviously our primary source of emissions, which is why we have been producing life cycle analyzes of our essentials since the creation of Patine in 2017.
What we will improve next year:
- We take into account the energy mix of each of our suppliers but some data is not yet precise enough. However, it is fundamental in order to best evaluate our impact and measure our progress.
- Next year it will be necessary to have more specific data on electricity use (bills) and emissions linked to deliveries.
- It will also be important to count the quantities of waste generated by type (e.g. mixed non-recyclable, paper, plastic) and water consumed.
- With the growth in the impact of digital technology it will also be necessary to evaluate the footprint linked to the storage and transfer of data on social networks, on websites and possible videoconferences (even if we do little, we prefer see yourself in real life).
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